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Kelco-Vis™ DG

Kelco-Vis™ DG

Product description

Diutan gum is a polysaccharide which is used for the stabilisation of emulsions, foams and suspensions. It is obtained by fermentation and its chemical structure is similar to xanthan gum.

Compared with xanthan gum, it is characterised by an even stronger pseudoplasticity. Already at very low use levels, high viscosities and good flow properties under shear as pumping or pouring can be achieved. Another outstanding feature is its excellent alkali resistance.

Biesterfeld Spezialchemie offers diutan gum from CP KELCO under the name Kelco-Vis™ DG.


CP Kelco


Kelco-Vis™ DG

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Lukas Eckl

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Lukas Eckl

Product Manager CASE

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Julien Fischer

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Julien Fischer

Market Manager - Cleaning

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