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Product description

Carbofuran is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide that is used to control insects in a wide variety of field crops, including pota toes, corn and soybeans. It is sprayed directly onto soil and plants just after emergence to control beetles, nematodes and rootworms. It is available in various formulations as well as standard and other packaging sizes.

Formulation Standard packaging
Carbofuran 75 % DB 10 kg drums
Carbofuran 85 % DB 10 kg drums
Carbofuran 90 % DB 25 kg bags
Carbofuran 98 % DB 40 g bags

Country availability

Available worldwide

Lars Dudszus

Contact person

Lars Dudszus

Business Manager Trade

email   phone

Further information


Product Portfolio Plant Protection/Nutrition
pdf (629.6 KB)