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Anti-Friction Coatings

Product description

Molykote® Anti-Friction Coatings are paint-like products. They contain a high proportion of solid lubricants like MoS2 and a wide range of EP additives. Anti-friction coatings form a lubricating film, which helps cover surface roughness and thus protect against surface-to-surface friction. Metal to metal or plastic to metal. Applied by painting, brushing, spraying, dipping or spinning.


• Dry-film lubricant

• Heavy loads

• Solid lubricant

• Paint-like lubricant

• Corrosion protection


• Permanent lubrication at high temperatures in applications where oil and grease cannot be used

• Outstanding lubrication coupled with corrosion protection properties

• High load-carrying capacity

• Protection on metals and plastics

• High wear resistance

• High temperature resistance

• Coefficient of friction

• Colour/transparent

• Durability and flexibility

• Water-based

Product Temperature Range / °C Application
MOLYKOTE® 106 Anti-Friction Coating -70 to +250 Dry lubrication for metal/metal combinations
MOLYKOTE® 3400A Anti-Friction Coating LF -200 to +315 Metal/metal / slow to medium fast movement / high loads
MOLYKOTE® 3402C Anti-Friction Coating LF -200 to +315 Metal/metal / slow to medium fast movement / high loads
MOLYKOTE® 7400 Anti-Friction Coating -70 to +200 Metal/metal / slow to medium fast movement / high loads
MOLYKOTE® D-7405 Anti-Friction Coating -70 to +200 Metal/plastic / slow to medium fast movement / low to moderate loads
MOLYKOTE® 7409 Anti-Friction Coating -70 to +220 Metal/metal / slow to medium fast movement / moderate to high loads
MOLYKOTE® D-10 Anti-Friction Coating -70 to +380 Metal/metal / slow to medium fast movement / low to medium loads
MOLYKOTE® D-321 R Anti-Friction Coating -180 to +450 Metal/metal / slow to medium fast movement / high loads
MOLYKOTE® D-3484 Anti-Friction Coating -70 to +250 Metal/metal / slow to medium fast movement / moderate to high loads
MOLYKOTE® D-708 Anti-Friction Coating -60 to +240 Lubrication/corrosion protection of metal/metal and metal/plastic / low to medium loads
MOLYKOTE® D-96 Anti-Friction Coating -40 to +150 Eliminates noise on interior automotive components
MOLYKOTE® L-0500 Coating Spray -30 to +240 Corrosion protection of metal
MOLYKOTE® PTFE-N UV Spray -180 to +240 Rubber sliders
MOLYKOTE® S-1010 Anti-Spatter Spray 0 to +100 Avoids sticking of spots on welding tools, water-based



Country availability

Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria
Croatia Estonia
Latvia Lithuania
Macedonia Montenegro
Norway Poland
Romania Serbia
Dr. Johannes Martin

Contact person

Dr. Johannes Martin

Market Manager Composites & Tooling

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