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Divisioni aziendali

Biesterfeld Spezialchemie is one of the leading international technical distributors of speciality chemical products and solutions worldwide. Solid application expertise, formulation know-how and a product portfolio carefully tailored to the needs of selected industries define the company's approach.

Biesterfeld Plastic distribuisce i materiali termoplastici ed elastomeri termoindurenti dei più importanti produttori mondiali con una gamma completa di prodotti di altissima qualità. 

Biesterfeld Performance Rubber operates as an international distributor in the rubber processing industry and is the youngest business division of the Biesterfeld Group. The product portfolio comprises synthetic rubbers, high-quality silicone and fluorosilicone rubber compounds, carbon black as well as high-performance polymers and the complete portfolio of corresponding additives.

Biesterfeld ChemLogS è la società all’interno del Gruppo che garantisce la corretta implementazione dei sistemi di gestione della qualità e della sicurezza (Qualità, Sicurezza, Salute e Ambiente). È responsabile dell'introduzione e del supporto di sistemi di gestione secondo la normativa ISO e del rispetto delle leggi vigenti. 

As a full-service IT service provider BIT-SERV specialises in the development, implementation and operation of business applications within the chemical, plastics, pharmaceutical and agricultural trade sectors.

BIT-SERV team members are people who encounter IT each and every day with enthusiastic curiosity.

At b.yond ventures we foster and support innovative start-ups, putting business founders in touch with our experts in different areas of the chemical industry.