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Biesterfeld Spezialchemie

Your Distribution Partner for Specialty Chemicals and Food Ingredients

Welcome to Biesterfeld Spezialchemie. As one of the leading international distributors of products and solutions in the world of essential and speciality chemicals as well as food ingredients, we offer our customers individual advice with solution-oriented and technical expertise. Long-standing cooperation with leading global suppliers and transparent processes serve as a basis for sustainable partnerships. Thanks to our worldwide subsidiaries, we are in local proximity to our customers and suppliers and can respond reliably and quickly to individual needs.

Our product portfolio is carefully tailored to the needs of selected industries such as Composites & Tooling, Personal Care and Cleaning, Healthcare, Paints and Coatings, Adhesives, Polyurethanes, Construction, Nutrition, Food and Feed, Electrical, Electronics and Energy, Industrial Chemicals, Salt, and Agricultural Products.

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Our Locations

africa Africa europe Europe norge Europe england Europe Asia America southamerica America </>


JEC World

04. - 06.03.2025 Paris, France

European Coatings Show

25. - 27.03.2025 Nuremberg, Germany

in-cosmetics global

08. - 10.04.2025 Amsterdam, Netherlands