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PU Adhesives

Product description

Polyurethane adhesives (PU adhesives) are available in different versions. These are, for example, dependent on flexibility, speed, curing mechanism, solvent, one-component (1C) or two-component (2C) adhesives, etc. In the market, solvent-free 1C PU adhesives are the most widely used. For 1C PU adhesives, the curing process is initiated by humidity, so they are used for gap filling and not for the bonding of large surfaces. They are easy to apply, are odourless and combine even irregular components.

2C PU adhesives are particularly suitable for the bonding of large surfaces and as joint fillers.

Family Properties Applications
1C moisture cure Flexible, foaming, solventless Bonding of materials with different elongation, strips, inserts. Construction elements. Filter bonding.
2C RTV Flexible, cures in whole volume, fast, solventless Large-area bonding. Sandwich panel bonding. Transportation vehicle parts bonding
2C RTV Thixo Rigid. Cures in whole volume. Solventless Gap filling. Bonding of irregular surfaces. Vertical joints.

Country availability

Czech Republic Estonia
Latvia Lithuania
Poland Slovakia
Georges Bertagne

Contact person

Georges Bertagne

General Manager

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Contact person

Brigitte Favre Bonnefoy

Head of Sales

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