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PLA - Biobased Polylactide Acid Compound


Product description

INZEA® is a biobased and fully biodegradable and compostable polymer in accordance to EN 13432, based on polylactide acid (PLA) and starch from renewable and non-genetically modified sources which don't compete with the food chain. It is suitable for food contact according to regulation (EU) 10/2011 and can be processed by injection, extrusion and thermoforming with conventional processing equipment. INZEA® can be used in a wide range of application and segments like packaging, bags, coffee capsules, bottles, boxes, household, catering, cosmetics, agriculture, 3D printing and short lifespan items.





Country availability

Albania Algeria
Austria Belgium
Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil
Bulgaria Croatia
Cyprus Czech Republic
Denmark Estonia
Finland France
Germany Greece
Hungary Iceland
Ireland Italy
Latvia Lithuania
Luxembourg Macedonia
Malta Montenegro
Morocco Netherlands
Norway Poland
Portugal Romania
Russia Serbia
Slovakia Slovenia
Spain Sweden
Switzerland Tunisia
Turkey Ukraine
United Kingdom  
Claudio Giorio

Contact person

Claudio Giorio

email   phone