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Lactic acid and lactates

Galaflow™, Galaxium™, Galacid™, Promeat™, Prodough™, Prodairy™, Galastar™, Galacin™

Product description

We offer biotechnological lactic acids, lactates and derivates from Galactic.

Tradename Description & Application E-Number/Producer
Galaflow™ Sodium and potassium lactates for food applications: Antimicrobial agent, shelf-life extension, humectant, flavour enhancer, pH control agent E325/Galactic
Galacid™ Lactic acid for food; Applications: Antimicrobial agent, flavor enhancer, pH control agent E270/Galactic
ProDough™ Adagio F Natural leavening system especially designed for bakery applications E270/Galactic
ProMeat™ Adagio Can replace starter cultures and significantly reduces cost in fermented meat products E270/Galactic
Galacid™ Buffered Range of buffered solutions of lactic acid and lactates; Application: pH control agent (buffer), prevention of sugar inversion in confectionery E270, E325/Galactic
Galimax™ ProMeat Advanced range of meat blends designed for food safety and shelf life extension without compromising taste or quality Various/Galactic
Galimax™ Flavor Clean label range of shelf-life extenders particularly formulated for meat, sauces & dressings and convenience products -/Galactic
Galaxium™ Calcium lactate; Application: Calcium supplementation, gelling agent, firming agent, flavor enhancer, leavening agent, stabilizer and thickener E327/Galactic




Galaflow™, Galaxium™, Galacid™, Promeat™, Prodough™, Prodairy™, Galastar™, Galacin™

Country availability

Roberto Calvi

Contact person

Roberto Calvi

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Further information


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