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Product description

Abamectin is a widely used insecticide that is used to control insect and mite pests of a range of agronomic, fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops. It is largely insoluble in water and is destroyed by acids or ultraviolet radiation. It is available in various formulations.

Formulation: Packaging:
Abamectin 1,8 % EC 1 l, 5 l can
Abamectin 1,9 % EC 1 l can
Abamectin 3,6 % EC 1 l, 200 l can, drum
Abamectin 5 % SL 25 l , 200 l can, drum
Abamectin tech. 95 % 5 l can

Country availability

Available worldwide

Lars Dudszus

Contact person

Lars Dudszus

Business Manager Trade

email   phone

Further information


Product Portfolio Plant Protection/Nutrition
pdf (629.6 KB)