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Breathers and Bleeders

Econoweave®, Airweave®, Ultraweave®

Product description

Bleeders from Airtech are used in the production of laminates, via vacuum bagging. The bleeder is applied between the perforated release film and vacuum bag. The mat is designed to drain off the excess resin from the laminate and improve the removal of air from the laminate.

Product Description
Airweave® series Polyester breather and bleeder in various surface weights and as a glass fleece for very high temperatures
Ultraweave® series Nylon breather and bleeder in various surface weights
Econoweave® series Polyester breather and bleeder in various surface weights, made from recycled polyester




Econoweave®, Airweave®, Ultraweave®

Country availability

Estonia Latvia
Lithuania Poland

Other products from Airtech

Contact person

Julian Ferries

Contact Person Rubber and Specialty Chemicals

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