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Polyurethane Fast Casting Resins

RenCast® FC

Product description

The RenCast® FC series from OBO-Werke (master distributor Huntsman Advanced Materials) are polyurethane (PU) fast cast resins with and without fillers which can be used for the quick and easy production of models, moulds, tools, prototypes and production parts. They have short processing and fast demoulding times, low shrinkage and are ideally suited for the rapid production of smaller moulds.

System Properties Application
RenCast® FC50 Isocyanate (A) RenCast® FC50 Polyol (B) Filled 2C system, excellent flow, fast curing, low shrinkage, colour: white Prototypes, models, templates, replicas
RenCast® FC51 Isocyanate (A) RenCast® FC51 Polyol (B) Filled 2C system, excellent flow, fast through-hardening, low shrinkage, colour: grey Foundry models, moulds, retaining jig, prototypes
RenCast® FC54 Isocyanate (A) RenCast® FC54 Polyol (B) Filled 2C system, casting up to 100 mm possible, low shrinkage, colour: grey Castings, foundry models, templates
RenCast® FC52/53 Isocyanate (A) RenCast® FC52 Polyol (B) Filler DT082 Use with all fillers and colouring possible Foundry models, moulds, retaining jig, prototypes
RenCast® FC52/53 Isocyanate (A) RenCast® FC53 Polyol (B) Very low viscosity, use with all fillers and colouring possible Scale models, moulds, negatives, templates, prototypes
RenCast® FC52/53 Isocyanate (A) RenCast® FC53 Polyol (B) Filler DT082 Use with all fillers and colouring possible Scale models, moulds, negatives, templates, prototypes
RenCast® FC52/53 Isocyanate (A) RenCast® FC53 Polyol (B) Very low viscosity, use with all fillers and colouring possible Foundry models, moulds, retaining jigs, prototypes
RenCast® FC55 Isocyanate (A) RenCast® FC55 Polyol (B) Low viscosity, short demoulding time, colouring possible Prototypes, scale models, templates
RenCast® FC55 Isocyanate (A) RenCast® FC55 Polyol (B) DT 082 Low viscosity, short demoulding time, colouring possible Prototypes, scale models, templates




RenCast® FC

Country availability

Czech Republic Estonia
Latvia Lithuania
Poland Slovakia

Other products from OBO-Werke

Dr. Johannes Martin

Contact person

Dr. Johannes Martin

Market Manager Composites & Tooling

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