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Epoxy Moulding Systems

RenGel®, RenLam®, Ren®

Product description

The manufacture of moulds and tools used in the lamination method is the most classic of the techniques currently used. Epoxy moulding compositions are used, in particular, in the production of medium and large models, moulds and tools. The use of these mouldings reduces the tool weight and minimises shrinkage at low peak temperatures. During lamination, the first layer is suitable for applying a gel coat. After this crosslinking, when the surface is soft but not sticky, a coupling layer is applied which ensures a corresponding adhesion of the gel coat to the next layers. Further layers can then be added. With RenGel®, RenLam® and Ren® systems from OBO-Werke (master distributor Huntsman Advanced Materials), particularly heat-resistant moulds (up to 220 °C) with excellent mechanical properties and strength parameters can be produced.




RenGel®, RenLam®, Ren®

Country availability

Czech Republic Estonia
Latvia Lithuania
Poland Slovakia

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Martin Krb

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Martin Krb

General Manager

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