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Concrete Release Agents


Product description

With Sitren® M EVONIK provides release agents for precast concrete parts. These are emulsions based on vegetable oils. They are readily biodegradable and therefore an excellent alternative to mineral oil based products.

The positive influence on the surface quality of the parts (no discolouration, no pinholes), the good handling (good stability with tap water at different mixing ratios) and the demonstrably improved corrosion protection for metal moulds should be emphasized.

Product Chemistry Mixing ratio with tap water
Sitren® MR 870 Emulsion of vegetable oils Between 1:1 and 1:3
Sitren® MR 871 Emulsion of vegetable oils Between 1:1 and 1:3





Country availability

Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgaria Croatia
Czech Republic Estonia
Germany Hungary
Latvia Lithuania
Macedonia Montenegro
Poland Romania
Serbia Slovakia
Slovenia Switzerland
Turkey Ukraine

Other products from Evonik

Martin Krb

Contact person

Martin Krb

General Manager

email   phone

Further information


Product Overview - Evonik - Admix (2022) - EN
pdf (201.7 KB)