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BiesterSOL urea free

Product description

The water soluble fertilizer for alkaline soil

A constant pH value – between neutral and slightly acid – is highly important

for the plant growth. As nitrogen from urea needs to hydrolised

before it can be absorbed by the plant, the application of fertilizers with

ureic nitrogen alkanizes the soil and increases the pH value further into the

alkaline range. To avoid this process, BiesterSOL urea free only contains

nitric and ammoniacal nitrogen to reach or maintain an optimal pH value.

It is made of only the best raw materials of European origin and composed

with phosphorus (P) derivated from mono-ammoniacal and mono-potassium

phosphates as well as potassium derivated from nitrate. Each composition

is enriched with a special trace element mix containing boron, iron,

manganese, copper or zinc to improve the physical-chemical characteristics.

BiesterSOL urea free is extremely pure and does not contain any

harmful substances like chlorine or sodium.

Wide range for each stage of Vegetation

BiesterSOL urea-free is offered in a wide range of different compositions

which provides the correct dosage for each stage from planting until harvesting.

Tailor made compositions are available on request.

Being 100% water soluble, BiesterSOL urea-free can be used in all kinds

of irrigation systems: for drip irrigation and sprinkler systems, for soil

grown crops and with hydroponic systems and in greenhouses as well as

in open field cultivations. It is the perfect fertilizer for any horticulture, fruit

farming, grapes and citrus as well as for floriculture and plant nurseries.

Easy handling and application

Thanks to the use of a unique drying facility during the production process,

BiesterSOL urea-free contains almost no humidity. This assures

that the product does not cake, has an extended shelf life and is always

free-flowing. These characteristics increase the solubility and facilitate the

dosing. BiesterSOL urea-free is packaged in high-quality aluminium bags

with a special durability. The application of BiesterSOL urea-free is easy

and time saving. The high product quality reduces the risk of leaching as

well as of any water eutrophication.

Lars Dudszus

Contact person

Lars Dudszus

Business Manager Trade

email   phone

Further information


BiesterSOL urea free
pdf (186.4 KB)