
“Fit for market” – surfactant training at Biesterfeld Spezialchemie

In June, Biesterfeld Spezialchemie held a technical training session on surfactant formulations in laundry and cleaning products. Employees from the back office, the sales and supply chain area and from other teams were invited. The consultant, Jochen Lohr, Sales Manager Cleaning at Biesterfeld, offered a comprehensive overview of the world of surfactants. Using practical examples, he described challenges in the development of laundry and cleaning products and presented solutions. In addition, participants had the opportunity to gain practical experience on-site.

“We work in a technically demanding environment. Regular training helps us to reach an even better understanding of our customers’ needs and requirements and to develop customised solutions. Furthermore we include not only people from technical sales, but also our back-office colleagues. Long-standing product experience and excellent teaching skills make Jochen Lohr the ideal person to explain complex content in an understandable way,” says Sergej But, Market Manager Cleaning. 

Biesterfeld: Impressions of the surfactant training

Jyle Garleff, Product Manager Personal Care & Cleaning and participant in the training, reports: “It was interesting to discuss technical issues with colleagues, using examples from our personal day-to-day business.”

Jochen Lohr is responsible for laboratory projects and technical training sessions in the Cleaning area. He has shared his application-related experiences often, with numerous presentations at congresses and specialist conferences, most recently in March this year for the SEPAWA Specialist Group “Professional Cleaning and Care” in Rapperswil. There, he explained the technology used in the production of innovative unsaturated methyl esters to representatives from industry and research, presenting their advantages as sustainable solvents.

Jochen Lohr's presentation in Rapperswill

Regular technical training sessions and, for example, in-depth training in the laboratory, allow Biesterfeld to maintain the high technical competence of its employees.

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Biesterfeld AG, Eva Switala

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Eva Switala

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Biesterfeld AG, Melanie Lang

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