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Biesterfeld Spezialchemie: Sergej But appointed Marketing Manager for HI&I

Sergej But has been appointed as Marketing Manager for Household, Industrial & Institutional Cleaning (HI&I) at Biesterfeld Spezialchemie. He is a long-term employee within the Biesterfeld Group, in his new role, he will be responsible for the strategic and technical development of international business activities in the HI&I industry.

“Our aim is to strategically expand our activities for the HI&I industry. We offer our customers a wide range of solutions for current and future challenges and a comprehensive portfolio,” says Inge Gotthardt, Business Manager LifeScience at Biesterfeld Spezialchemie. “As an expert in this market, Sergej But is the perfect choice for this position. We wish him every success in his new area of responsibility.”

Sergej But started his professional career at Biesterfeld with the successful completion of his dual studies in Business Management. As Sales Manager, he gained experience in sales of standard products in the cosmetics and home care industry. Most recently, he was Product Manager for the HI&I market.

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