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Biesterfeld says THANK YOU and donates € 10.000

Biesterfeld thanks the police for their support during the G-20 summit last week. As a family-owned company based in Hamburg, we supports the "DANKE"("THANK YOU") campaign run by the daily newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt with a donation of € 10,000. "DANKE" gives police officers from other regions the chance to experience Hamburg as cosmopolitan, liberal and lovable city. The officers, who sent from all over Germany to protect the G-20 summit, should enjoy a beautiful Hamburg - without the aggressions of last week.

Thomas Arnold explains: "We can`t provide police officers with hotel beds or tickets like other supporting companies. Nevertheless, we want to say thank you for the courageous and difficult police operations during the congress. Our donation is intended to help that police officers from other regions see Hamburg as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.“

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Biesterfeld SE, Sven Weber

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Sven Weber

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