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Biesterfeld Plastic supports the global Operation Clean Sweep® initiative

Biesterfeld Plastic supports the world-wide Operation Clean Sweep® initiative. At the end of January, the Biesterfeld Group's Plastic business division signed up to this undertaking on behalf of all its subsidiaries.

"Our ethos as a company is to take on our share of responsibility for people and environment by operating fairly and sustainably. We can protect our environment by using resources in a careful and conscientious manner. That is why we are happy to give our whole-hearted support to Operation Clean Sweep®, because we believe this initiative will lead to a more responsible attitude in our sector", said Carsten Harms, Member of the Executive Board at Biesterfeld AG and Spokesman of the Management Board of Biesterfeld Plastic.

The international Operation Clean Sweep® initiative was first set up by the American Chemistry Council in the US, then PlasticsEurope extended the license to the programme in Europe, with the aim of preventing plastic granules/pellets, flakes and powders from entering the marine environment. This can be achieved if every company in the plastics supply chain (producers, distributors, logistics companies and installers) undertake to adhere to strict (storage) site management and containment measures. For example, keeping floors and storage areas properly clean and tidy can help prevent excess plastic granules from being washed into ground water and entering the surrounding environment. The raw materials gathered up by thorough cleaning processes can then be disposed of properly, or (even better) recycled.

"We are asking our international logistics partners to follow our example and to support this initiative", explained Jens Imbeck, Head of Logistics, Biesterfeld Plastic. "Operation Clean Sweep® is a sensible strategy, which we are happy to support, in the hope that as many companies as possible in the plastics sector will join us and take their share of responsibility."

You can find out more information about Operation Clean Sweep® at www.opcleansweep.eu.

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Biesterfeld SE, Philipp Sakuth

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Philipp Sakuth

Spokesperson Plastic

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