
Biesterfeld NEWS Pharma - October 2016

Biesterfeld NEWS Pharma presents Skin Aid Formulations:

‘Skin Aid’ focuses on skin protection by showing prototype formulations for topical barrier creams, hydration and burn sprays: 

  • Barrier Creams
  • Hydration Lotion
  • Anhydrous Gel
  • Burn Sprays

Please click<link file:3417 _blank download herunterladen der datei> here to download.

Do you have questions about our products? You need samples or further information? Our <link mail ein fenster zum versenden der>Pharma-Team is always happy to support you.

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Press Contact

Biesterfeld AG, Eva Switala

Contact Person

Eva Switala

Spokesperson HealthCare | Performance Products | Nutrition


Biesterfeld AG, Melanie Lang

Contact Person

Melanie Lang

Spokesperson LifeScience | CASE | Polymer Additives
