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Biesterfeld granted distribution rights for Sidistar® from Elkem ASA in German Rubber market

Biesterfeld Performance Rubber and Elkem Silicon Materials have signed an agreement for the distribution of Elkem ASA’s Sidistar® products into the German rubber market. The cooperation is due to start from 1st of April 2020.

The specialty products under the Sidistar® brand are grades of spherical amorphous silica. They are characterized by its low specific surface. The BET surface area is limited to only 25 m²/g. These particles are chemically inert and non-porous. They therefore do not absorb any other components of the compound or plasticizers.

Sidistar® can be used in a wide range of end-use applications. It can act as a physical lubricant, like a ball bearing, in a rubber compound, interfering with the reinforcing filler network and making a higher packing density possible thanks to its broad particle size distribution. Moreover, the silica can be added on top of existing formulations or can replace some of the existing reinforcing filler without any negative effects. Optimizing the formulation leads to improvements in processing behavior and property profile as dynamic fatigue or surface finish. Further Sidistar® acts as a synergist in a wide range of flame retardancy applications including partial Antimony-tri-oxide substitution as well as halogen free flame-retardant solutions. One of the major benefits in flame retardant applications is the reduction of dripping due to char integrity improvements.

"We are pleased about the new collaboration with Elkem," says Michael Beier Costa, Product Manager, Biesterfeld Performance Rubber. "The Sidistar® products are the perfect addition to our portfolio. The outstanding properties of Sidistar® will provide our customers in Germany with competitive advantages, reinforcing our market position."  

“Thanks to the new agreement, we have an experienced partner on our side who will help us to further promote the Sidistar® products on the German rubber market in the best possible way“, says Richard van Sprang, business manager polymer additives, Elkem.

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Biesterfeld SE, Isabel Doß

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Isabel Doß

Spokesperson Rubber

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