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Biesterfeld further expands its productportfolio in Poland: Milar and Spolchemie are partners

Milar Sp. z o.o. has taken over the distribution of epoxy resins from the Czech company Spolchemie for the Polish market. Milar is a subsidiary of the Biesterfeld Group in Poland and has over 25 years of experience in epoxy.

“The cooperation with Spolchemie allows us to offer our customers highly versatile resins along with professional technical advice and the ability to laboratory support. They are suitable for the application as laminating and casting resins as well as basic components for the production of paints, varnishes and floor coatings,” says Dr. Jacek Polewski, General Manager of Milar.

Please direct questions related to the product portfolio of Spolchemie to Dr. Jacek Polewski, General Manager Milar, at +48 22 755 85 21 or <link>j.polewski@milar.pl.

About SPOLCHEMIE – Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s.
SPOLCHEMIE is a leading European manufacturer of special and base epoxy resins, inorganic derivatives as well as alkyd and polyester resins. Since 1856 the company continuously brings innovation in the chemistry. Its long-term success and stability are based on experience and expertise in research, development and production of high-quality products.

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Biesterfeld SE, Melanie Lang

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