Since November Biesterfeld has implemented a whistle-blower system, once again emphasising the importance the company places on compliance. Within the Biesterfeld Group, adherence to applicable laws and the group’s internal guidelines as well as the resulting lawful and honourable behaviour are top priorities. Therefore Biesterfeld is implementing a whistle-blower system designed to allow anonymous reporting of of any grievances, criminal behaviour or special risks within the company. The system should protect the company from any behaviour with potentially detrimental consequences.
Anyone - both employees and business partners - can use the system to submit online notifications of infringements and offences contrary to the company's interests.
Jens-Uwe Pietrock, Chief Compliance Officer of the Biesterfeld AG, explains: „Integrity in business conduct represents a key value in the corporate culture of the international operating Biesterfeld Group. Our whistle-blower system helps us to realise potential misbehaviour at an early stage and to clarify it completely.“
Biesterfeld uses the whistle-blower system of the Business Keeper AG, which is the only data protection-certified system in the world. Cutting-edge security and encryption technologies ensure whistle-blowers’ anonymity and allow them to submit notifications securely.
You will find further information and the access to our whistle-blower system in the area “Sustainability”.