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Biesterfeld and AVEBE: Geographical expansion of partnership in the CASE segment

Hamburg, 7th December 2023 - Biesterfeld Spezialchemie, one of the leading international distributorsof specialty chemical products, pharma and food ingredients, and AVEBE, a manufacturer of sustainable potato starch products, have further expanded their long-standing partnership. With immediate effect, Biesterfeld Spezialchemie, a business division of the Biesterfeld Group, now distributes the product range not only in the Czech Republic and Germany, but also in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Italy and Slovakia. The portfolio consists of products with the trade names AmylofaxTM, AvedexTM, CasucolTM, ElianeTM, EteniaTM, FarinexTM, OpagelTM, PerfectamylTM and Solvicol® .

“We are delighted to extend our successful 15-year partnership with AVEBE. The intensified cooperation underlines the trust in our partnership and our position as technical experts in the European market. The products are based on potato starch and therefore on a fully organic raw material. In addition, the regional availability avoids long transport routes to our customers", says Sergej Kahan, Market Development Manager Coatings at Biesterfeld Spezialchemie. The raw powder products are used as thickeners and binders in paints, paper adhesives and ceramic binders. Thanks to their cold and hot water solubility, they are easy for the user to process.

"The intensification of our successful partnership is an important step towards expansion. Our cooperation is based on the impressive distribution network of Biesterfeld Spezialchemie and its excellent technical know-how,  combined  with  many  years  of  experience  and  profound  expertise.  This  deepened  partnership strengthens our confidence in the outstanding capabilities of Biesterfeld Spezialchemie's team, paving the way for joint growth and sustainable success," says Stefan Krause, Senior Account Manager at AVEBE.

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Biesterfeld SE, Eva Switala

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Eva Switala

Spokesperson HealthCare | Performance Products | Nutrition

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Biesterfeld SE, Melanie Lang

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Melanie Lang

Spokesperson LifeScience | CASE | Polymer Additives

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