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Actions rather than words: Biesterfeld publishes its third sustainability report

Biesterfeld AG, Hamburg, presents its third sustainability report this year. Since 2014, Biesterfeld has voluntarily prepared an annual sustainability report and thus emphasises the importance of sustainable actions and business for the corporate group.

As part of its sustainability strategy, the Biesterfeld Group is looking for opportunities to deal with resources more carefully in a targeted manner. Thomas Arnold, CEO of Biesterfeld AG, explains: “For us, sustainability is not a means to an end but rather a key part of our self-image. As a family-run company it is important to align our economic success with ecological and social aspects.”

In the third sustainability report, Biesterfeld again provides information on the progress it has made with regard to sustainability management. In addition to successively expanding the sustainability standards to international locations, Biesterfeld will in future fund a certified climate protection project to compensate for business travel activities. In addition, the chemical and plastics distributor will continue its efforts to further professionalise sustainability management and to constantly adapt its processes to the changing conditions.
In the sustainability report, Biesterfeld AG utilises the guidelines of the independent Global Reporting Initiative, which also certified the report. This ensures that such values as the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and measures are depicted comprehensively.

Do you have questions or would you like to request a bound copy of the sustainability report? Please contact our sustainability manager Khojesta Rahbari.

Download Biesterfeld Sustainability Report 2016

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Biesterfeld AG, Sven Weber

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Sven Weber

Spokesperson Biesterfeld Group

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