
Product description

Vitamins are organic compounds that are vital for the body, however the body cannot produce them itself in sufficient quantity. They must therefore be provided by an external source. It is important to differentiate between fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored by the body and can be associated with diseases in cases of excessive or insufficient dosing, whereas water-soluble vitamins are secreted in cases of inadequate supply.

The notion of prevention and growing health awareness of the population are the main indicators of the market potential of vitamins as food supplements.

The areas of application of vitamins are extremely diverse, they are used in particular in feed, food and in the cosmetics industry.

Vitamins Properties Area of application
Vitamin C / Ascorbic acid Water-soluble vitamin, Continuous supply necessary Strengthens the immune system, Builds connective tissue, Removes free radicals, Facilitates iron absorption
Sodium ascorbate Mineral salt of vitamin C Alternative to vitamin C, Similar effect as vitamin C, Quicker bioavailability
Vitamin B12 Water-soluble B vitamin Involved in important blood formation processes, Function of nerve cells and protein metabolism
Vitamin B6 Water-soluble B vitamin Involved in immune functions, clotting and amino acid metabolism, Forms neurotransmitters and nucleic acid

Lennart Heß

Contact person

Lennart Heß

Business Manager Europe

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Bernd Fischer

Contact person

Bernd Fischer

Business Manager Nutrition

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Further information


Portfolio Food Europe & North Africa & North America
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