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Silicone Thermal Radical Cure Adhesive & Sealant

Product description

DOW Silicones (formerly Dow Corning) delivers a wide variety of silicone-based polymers for diverse solutions in electric, electronic and energy applications. DOWSIL™ silicone adhesives are used primarily to attach components, such as module lids and baseplates, within electronic modules or seal openings in the module to exclude dirt, water or other contaminants. A key benefit of silicone adhesives is their potential to significantly increase the reliability of an electronic module or component because of their stress-relieving properties. The adhesives in our portfolio have a “rubbery”, elastomeric nature and are not conventional, highly rigid adhesives. This low stress environment can reduce damage to module components and interconnections. They are also able to maintain their stress-relieving nature throughout exposure to extreme environmental conditions such as high temperature and humidity. DOWSIL™ silicone adhesives also offer versatile processing. Some are cured at room temperature, while others can be accelerated by heat. This can allow faster process times or the use of lower temperature capable materials, depending on the needs of your application and process. More recently developed products are resulting in even faster and lower temperature curing capability. The line of adhesives available is also offered in a range of flow properties to fill gaps and channels, or to remain in place as the application requires. Many of the flowable products will self-level to fill channels and cavities.

DOWSIL™ thermal radical cure adhesives are a fast curing adhesive. This class of silicone adhesives is a one-part heat curing system at moderate temperatures. DOWSIL™ thermal radical cure adhesives offer durable adhesion on different types of substrates. Thanks to its chemical properties it allows the omission some cleaning steps and provides adhesion in harsh environments.

Product Hardness [ShA] Viscosity [mPas] Tensile Strength [MPa] Open time (Cure time) 
DOWSIL™ EA-7100 43 360,000 3.5 60 min (15 min  @100 °C) 



Country availability

Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgaria Croatia
Czech Republic Estonia
Germany Hungary
Latvia Lithuania
Macedonia Montenegro
Norway Poland
Romania Serbia
Slovakia Slovenia
Switzerland Turkey
Eray Berberoğlu

Contact person

Eray Berberoğlu

Product Manager

email   phone

Further information


Electronics Portfolio
pdf (3.2 MB)