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Product description

Atrazine is a selective herbicide that is used to control broadleaf weeds and grasses in the production of crops. It can be applied before and after planting and is effective against some of the toughest weeds, including lambsquaters, morning glory, nightshade, pigweed, cocklebur, velvetleaf and foxtails. It is available in various formulations.

Formulation: Packaging:
Atrazine 50 % WP 1 kg bags
Atrazine 80 % WP 1 kg bags
Atrazine 90 WG 10 kg bags
Atrazine tech. 97 % 20 kg bags
Atrazine 500 g/l SC 20 l drums

Country availability

Available worldwide

Lars Dudszus

Contact person

Lars Dudszus

Business Manager Trade

email   phone

Further information


Product Portfolio Plant Protection/Nutrition
pdf (629.6 KB)